Work Overload & Intense Neck Pain

Work Overload & Intense Neck Pain

Sometimes work isn't that healthy after all. Actually it's never healthy when it starts affecting your body: stress, pain, dizziness, tiredness, loss of appetite, bad digestion, headache... Does this mean you should stop working ? Definitly not ! 

What to do then ? 

You will hear this a lot: change careers, take a day off, take some vitamins, have a coffee, go on a vacation.

Is that the life you want to live ? 

Abusing your body for 12 months and recover for 15 days while on vacation ?

A series of exercises added to a daily electrotherapy treatment can help you get rid of your work related pain. At the end of the day work should be joyful not painful. 

Here are 3 exercises that you can do behind your desk, while at work, between shifts or during your bathroom break !

1- Hold each position for 15 breaths

2- Repeat them on a daily basis

3- Use your electrotherapy device twice per day on TENS mode

And there you go!

Healthy Neck, Happy Life !